May 13, 2008

Modern Holocaust

Day 2 of our recording session has begun. We've already finished 2 tracks and are well-prepared to continue. A few hours ago, "Modern Holocaust" was recorded. A quite untypical Metakognition track but nevertheless we're proud of it and it sounds just as we expected it to sound. The lyrical theme also differs in a quite special way, but well... have a look for yourself..

Metakognition - Modern Holocaust

Who are you and where are we?
Yesterday you found your brother laying dead on the street..
Who are you and where are we?
Buy some drugs, get a gun.
You are the next to be free.
Won't you see? You want more?
Rent a slut and get fucked and finally shot by that whore.
Won't you see? You want more?
Fuck some kids and you'll become a fucking TV-HOST.

Lost in Time
You don't want to fight anymore
Lost in Time
Fighting life is enough war
Lost in Time
No more dreaming of angels & stardust
Lost in Time
No more modern Holocaust

Who am I? Am I there?
In a world, where no peace but many drugs are shared.
Tell my why should I cry,
when I can dream about getting lost in time..

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